Championship Serie A - 2014-2015


After the   sign up and login  to the website  you can create only one   Private League  only until the start of the game, where you will be able to invite your friends to subscribe and play all together.
Once you have created it you can keep track of it by clicking on the “Go to your own Private League” button.
Before to play remember to subscribe to a  Private League until the start of the  game.


To start playing, please enter into the page  Play! , here you can make your prediction.

Please predict in the FIRST STAGE of the GAME(until the start of the  championship) the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 18th, 19th, 20th teams of the final  standings of the Championship at the end of the first round

Please predict still in the FIRST STAGE of the GAME(until the start of the  championship) the ten  matchdays of the whole Championship where the most goals will be scored.

Please predict in the SECOND STAGE of the GAME(until the start of the  second round) the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 18th, 19th, 20th teams of the  final standings of the Championship.

Please predict in the THIRD STAGE of the GAME(until the start of the  quarter finals of the Italy Cup) the winner of Italy Cup

At the top of each page, an animated timeline will guide you in every stage of the game


FIRST STAGE score –  standings at the end of the first round (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)

5 points for each team guessed correctly even if it is placed in the wrong position in the ranking order
20 extra points(bonus) for the 1° ranked team guessed correctly
20 extra points(bonus) for the 2° ranked team guessed correctly
20 extra points(bonus) for the 3° ranked team guessed correctly
20 extra points(bonus) for the 4° ranked team guessed correctly
20 extra points(bonus) for the 5° ranked team guessed correctly
20 extra points(bonus) for the 6° ranked team guessed correctly

FIRST STAGE score –  standings at the end of the first round(18th, 19th, 20th)

5 points for each team guessed correctly even if it is placed in the wrong position in the ranking order
15 extra points(bonus) for the 18° ranked team guessed correctly
15 extra points(bonus) for the 19° ranked team guessed correctly
15 extra points(bonus) for the 20° ranked team guessed correctly

FIRST STAGE score - prediction of the ten  matchdays with the most goals scored

The total points will be the sum of all the goals scored in the ten predicted matchdays

SECOND STAGE score –  final standings (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)

5 points for each team guessed correctly even if it is placed in the wrong position in the ranking order
25 extra points(bonus) for the 1° ranked team guessed correctly
30 extra points(bonus) for the 2° ranked team guessed correctly
35 extra points(bonus) for the 3° ranked team guessed correctly
50 extra points(bonus) for the 4° ranked team guessed correctly
55 extra points(bonus) for the 5° ranked team guessed correctly
60 extra points(bonus) for the 6° ranked team guessed correctly

SECOND STAGE score –  final standings(18th, 19th, 20th)

5 points for each team guessed correctly even if it is placed in the wrong position in the ranking order
35 extra points(bonus) for the 18° ranked team guessed correctly
30 extra points(bonus) for the 19° ranked team guessed correctly
25 extra points(bonus) for the 20° ranked team guessed correctly

THIRD STAGE score – winner of Italy Cup

75 points for the winning team guessed correctly

TOTAL score

The total score will be the sum of all the points acquired in all the game stages


The player who at the end of the game(meaning: total points at end of Championship and Italy Cup combined) who has acquired the highest total score will win.